Monday, September 16, 2013

I was on the way home today, and recalled suddenly a dream I'd had the night before. Funny how we easily forget our dreams, but then certain things in real life can later trigger the memory.

Anyway, in this dream -- something very scary and weird was happening to my hair (I don't know what it was, I just knew I was in danger or something). I was very distraught and desperately trying to shampoo my hair clean. But the more I washed and rubbed, the more distraught I became, and I slowly realised in my panic... the colour of my hair was changing! The level of terror that gripped me in this dream, you have no idea, hahaha. And at first my hair had become chestnut brown, and after more scrubbing, it became like reddish and pink. And the very last bit of the dream I remember has me looking in the mirror and seeing all my long hair in pale blond. The kind I'd have imagined was on DT!Draco -- except of course on me, it clashed hideously with my dark eyebrows. I think I was beyond shocked, though even my dream version spared a thought that it looked like Draco's hair.

In retrospect, this dream is hilarious and I almost laughed out loud when I remembered. What on earth is my poor subconscious grappling with. Although... I'm sure that reading so much of Draco Trilogy certainly had a part to play in providing the surface material of the dream -- all that description of hair and eye colours...


eunice said...

HAHAHAHAHA maybe your dream self is discovering hitherto unrealised metamorphmagus abilities

Shamiah said...

that would be cool if true hehe.