Thursday, August 15, 2013

A little belated, because I'm obviously far too busy in real life, but:

Selamat Hari Raya!

This is my favourite photo from this raya season because it was high time this group of people took a full photo together and we did! (well, almost everyone, except my brother who's behind the camera).


And omg -- as usual I've been having re-reads of my favourite books (i.e. Lymond / HP) -- and I found a video documentary of Dunnett when she was alive, and I can't believe I haven't seen this before now!

The way she talks about writing her books -- like it's such great fun and her hobby and a privilege -- only makes her accomplishments more amazing. Because the sheer brilliance of her work -- you wouldn't think it's done with such heart and levity, and not with some crazy sweat and pain. She says she writes usually one 5000-word chapter in a day?! and it pretty much remains that way till print??? You take a look at this lovely old lady, and you don't realise she's a genius. But oh my goddddd, she has to be one. Had.

Will we see the likes of such literary genius again? To think books like Fifty Shades of Grey make the bestseller list today.

The partnership she had with her husband is also something to be envied; I remember reading somewhere that she'd said that he was her Lymond. The husband was an equally accomplished man, if not more so -- considering he was a newspaper editor and wrote more than just books, but plays etc -- and someone who helped her realise her potential. A partner to her in almost every way. It's like that line from Checkmate:

When the singer is matched with the sounding-board; the dream with the poet. When the sun and the fountain first meet one another.

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