Tuesday, June 04, 2013

cinta jangan pergi

Been cooped up at home the past two days, with a terrible sore throat and a croaky voice. I have come to realise how much my job depends on my speech -- being a speech therapist and all, haha. I hope my throat doesn't worsen after my return to work tomorrow... :( seeing as how I spend the better part of almost every hour talking non-stop.

I've taken this nice retreat at home to go over my Arabic grammar books! I do love quiet hours and sitting with books and not having to rush.

On the drama front -- I have actually started a Malay drama! Wahhh, you should say. The first time in a long time; actually the first time since this same pairing in Nur Kasih. And now they're together again in Cinta Jangan Pergi -- the plot kinda reminds me of Winter Sonata, except there isn't really a memory loss plot device (which is k-drama's forte). With Malay dramas, I'm always kinda on edge, waiting to be disappointed, but this hasn't been too bad so far.

And the songs are nice nice nice!

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