Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Blogging from amidst the SPA conference right now.

Being here makes me feel like a small fish, trying to play with the big guns. It reminds me of how little I know (and how little I literally am, haha)! And how much there is still out there -- it makes me feel excited about a whole lifetime of learning and honing and developing.

I think one of the ways you know if you've made the right decision, Alhamdulillah, is if you don't feel trapped thereafter. I remember being younger and not knowing how to make choices, thinking that I'd close myself off to wonderful things once I make a decision. It is true and unavoidable that in making a decision you ultimately choose one path and leave the other paths behind; the difference in the right path however, is that you don't feel like turning back to check out on the other paths, and you feel excited about running ahead to discover the wonderful things you know lie further down this path you've chosen.

So instead of feeling trapped, you feel like you're running free instead.


Anonymous said...

What is this. I also want a pathhhh! :(


sham said...

not saying it's easy, my friend. and life has many crossroads, yes?