Thursday, March 14, 2013

Today, while writing up some typical patient notes -- Child attempted to gain attention by lightly tapping on SLT's hand -- I felt an insane impulse to add to it: IT WAS SO CUTE!!!!! Patient notes are meant to be formal and concise and straightforward; this is of course very un-me, and I often feel the crazy urge to be random, flowery or rambly, just so I can convey with more feeling how the child appeared to me. (Seriously the kid was so cute; boring patient notes cannot do him justice.)


Love this. Fuzzy, warm feelings in my chest.

They make me feel all ganbatte about work and the future. (:

The sky never ever forgets the memories even when we are apart
There won't be another season when I'll meet someone else
that I'll love this much
Shine more, my awesome lady
Surely, my feelings will reach you softly
Believing is everything
There is no night without dawn
Believing is everything
Love so sweet.

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