Saturday, January 26, 2013

 An eventful week it has been.

And my God, I miss my classmates so bad, and can't wait to meet up next week. I feel like the moment we see each other, we're all going to go, "Guys!!! It has been so scary!!!" and cry/whine in each other's arms.


And here I am on a Saturday, procrastinating on the mugging I have to do -- getting all those developmental milestones in my head, and prepping for cases.

My excuse is that I'm trying to cheer myself up. 

These running man clips for instance, are hilarious: this dance-till-the-sticky-notes-on-you-fall-off never fails to crack me up. We totally should try this some time.


Duck said...

You seem kind of Hermione-ish from the whatsapp screencaps XD

Shamiah said...

haha what why! I'm just freaking out about competency evaluations and future appraisals -- so scary!