Monday, November 19, 2012

It is post placement! and I have been seriously having the laziest weekend in a long time. I feel like a slug, really. And I had to be shouted at to go down to the kitchen. I promise tomorrow I will not be a slug, woooh.

So with all the lazing, naturally, I will have tv updates:

* I finished Nice Guy and we had a happy ending!

But I still had issues with it, man. I have yet to come across a kdrama whose ending satisfies me completely. Yes, Maru and Eun Gi ended up together, and everyone, even the baddies, became better persons. But seriously, it bugs me that that there isn't enough catharsis for our OTP!!! All those years of repressed hurt and emotions, and then we only have them smiling at each other from the ends of a long bench??? O, my poor unsatisfied heart. It's very pretty and everything, but! I want the fireworks and bursting happiness, why don't you want to give us that, drama writers!

Which is why, I feel this drama gave more tribute to the Maru/Jae Hee love line because there was a superb scene between them that left me in a river of tears. (Too bad no one has posted that clip on youtube so I haven't got it at hand.) Basically, they had a confrontation scene where Maru talked about what happened between them in the past and the mistakes they both made, and both of them were crying like crazy, and I was crying like crazy. It was so sad. They were both mourning for a lost love and it was just one of the rawest emotional scenes I've ever watched! With that kind of drama, I was really anticipating the final scene between Maru and Eun Gi, but the one we got was rather disappointing. Maybe... the writer is just really good with tragedy, hah.

Takeaway from this drama: that Song Joong Ki and Moon Chae Won are AWESOME together. so please, let them be together again in another drama (or in real life, haha).

* I've devoured the entire of Downton Abbey Season 1 and have now started on Season 2.

I've always wanted to watch it and finally got the opportunity. The first episode didn't really pull me in, but my interest was piqued. Then slowly but surely, somewhere along the way, I was hooked, and now really love almost all the characters! Even the bad, evil ones!


Have to add in this epic trailer! for Downton Abbey. It'll make you want to watch this drama, but beware some SPOILERS.

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