Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Who is this adorable little girl!

Her face sums up my thoughts right now though: that one can be both happy and sad, because you succeed at some things (therefore, happiness!) but fail at others (therefore, disappointment!) all in a day. What's important is keeping perspective, no? So you don't ever swing too much in either direction (too high and happy or too sad and depressed), but maintain moderation in all things, as was exemplified by Nabi s.a.w..

Life is the pursuit of balance!

Equanimity =  a state of stability or composure - neither elated nor depressed - arising from a deep awareness and acceptance of the present moment. (Wikipedia)

On an unrelated point: I wish I could express love, care or concern to people without it appearing weird. Like I'd like to just go and ask, Are you okay? except that I feel the person will think me kaypoh! Oh dear. Especially with facebook and stuff, people put unhealthy statuses for public consumption and seriously, some people make me worry. Or tumblr! That place has even scarier emo stuffs. We should just physically start knocking on each other's doors and ask if anyone feels not-so-good, needs help, needs someone to talk to. 

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