Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I was listening to a cute little story about passion:
There was this little sparrow sitting on top of Prophet Sulaiman's (a.s.) place of worship, and he was trying to convince a female sparrow that he was a worthy mate, but she wasn't paying much attention. He said, "You know, if I wanted, I would turn this dome right over on the head of Sulaiman for you." And then, the Prophet who of course knew the language of all creatures overheard him and called him over, and the poor sparrow had to go over, shaking in fear.
The Prophet asked him, while the sparrow's heart beat thunderously in his little breast, "What made you say that ridiculous remark?"
And the sparrow said, "Oh, Prophet of Allah! Don't you know lovers are never taken into account for what they say in the presence of their beloved?"
Smart aleck little sparrow.

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