Sunday, February 26, 2012

I'm singing my blues...

Big Bang, you win! I've been recently and belatedly hit by a little Korean wave and listening to Kpop more than usual/healthy, but it's always Big Bang that deserves a post on my blog. Ah, so awesome they are. World famous and all too.

And the song is timely too because I was feeling a little blue tonight. But then, awesomely, comfort comes from a random message from Jean who I haven't heard from in a while. And all we exchanged was how much we missed each other, how we used to share about our difficult times, and how we need to meet and chat. See, how does one not believe in little gifts from heaven like this? (:


The whole cosmos is meaning set up in images.

- Arab poet.

But then there's a danger of finding meaning in everything or anything or in random things? Hm.

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