Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I finished Terry Goodkind's first volume in the Sword of Truth series, Wizard's First Rule, and it's been good so far. More so than I expected! It wasn't his style that got me, but the conceptualizations of love, hate and anger and how magic has been built upon such human emotions. There are very, very twisted ideas in it too, and gory like no other thing I've read, I think. (Entrails spewing all over the ground, and potions consisting of hearts, brains and other unmentionable organs.) But strangely, I don't think it's off-putting. It just makes the whole thing more... real; the horrors are deliberately being thrown into the reader's face to emphasize how villainous the villain is. And then one starts to get angry the way the protagonist, Richard Rahl, gets angry at everything. No surprise, the book succeeds in many parts where the television production fails.

I thought this bit about how confession feels like is fascinating. Confession is the power of enslaving someone by touch, and it basically exploits the emotion of love in someone until it consumes them entirely.

Pain. I remember the pain. It was exquisite, beyond anything you could imagine. The first thing I remember after the pain is fear. Overpowering fear I might be breathing wrong, and it would somehow displease her. I almost died from fear that I would displease her. And then when she told me what she wanted to know, it was a flush of the greatest joy I had ever known. Joy, because then I knew what I could do to please her. I was overjoyed that she had made a request of me, that there was something I could do to satisfy her, and make her happy. Nothing else was in my mind, only to please her. To be in her presence was beyond bliss. The pleasure of being in her presence made me cry with elation.

I like this confession scene! Kahlan <3.

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