Saturday, November 19, 2011

Trying a new look for my blog! Something a bit brighter. And the photo was taken last year from Isle of Skye, Scotland; it totally looks like one of those places where Highlander would stick his sword into the ground and stare off into the distance.

haha! I remember when they had Highlander on tv.

On other things: semester wrapping to a close soon, once oral vivas are done and case presentations too. :s This has been one of the longest and most tiring uni semesters I've ever had. Or maybe I forgot how crazy it was when I was rushing FYP. Don't know anymore; memory is hazy. 

I was going to be a little emo here, but then... usually, I look back on emo posts and cringe. Some nights, heart feels extra heavy. 

Why am I such a girl, eee! -.- ok, goodnight.


Shweta said...

YES, things were totally crazy during FYP, Sham! zthough your work has got to be more fun than running behind crazy Profs :)

eunice said...

I didn't see this post yesterday, and was just about to comment to say, "ISN'T THAT PHOTO OF THE QUIRAING ON SKYE?"

And then I read this post and it confirmed it, yay! I have a nearly identical one in my album too! Hahahaha.

Shamiah said...

haha eunice, explain quiraing to me? why do you have a scary memory that remembers everything?

and yes Shweta, I agree FYP must have been crazy. I think my brain just blocked the memory of it so as to preserve my emotional well-being. haha.

eunice said...

No, I had to double-check its name by googling and looking up the itinerary for Skye on the Rabbies website!

Let Wikipedia do the explaining, haha:

I'm pretty sure the photo is of the Prison. Just like in that Wikipedia entry, I remember Karen pointing out that that rock formation resembles a medieval keep.

sham b said...

Yep, think so too...