Friday, July 15, 2011

Suddenly thought of this line while on the way home:

Don't beat about the bush; just beat the bush! Teach it a lesson.

(from DT, which might have taken it from elsewhere)

Partly because this morning in PBL class, we were circling around a single question for nearly an hour, and discussed the topic to death. -.- I think I am a very tolerant person, and I think I successfully present a calm facade to the world, so that most times, people have no idea I'm about to like, scream or something. Haha. Not that this morning was that bad (we've had worse the previous semester). But I felt like I wanted to stomp my feet or make an irritated sound.

I think this is where we learn to be patient with group and people dynamics. And accept that different people think differently, and you're going to get ramblers, chop-chop-pers (i.e. people who are on-the-ball), and in-your-face-rs etc etc in the world.

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