Sunday, January 16, 2011

At this rate, this blog may be set for a steady decline into non-functionality.

No, I'm not that busy with schoolwork yet, but somehow, I'm preoccupied enough that those blogging moments during which I become pensive and thoughtful are getting harder to find. Don't know -- it's not like my undergraduate years were totally light on me in comparison (quite the contrary); I think maybe I'm just getting older and less loquacious here.

* Met up with Duckie last weekend despite only recovering from sore throat and the flu and went to karaoke Arashi -- I croaked, Duck actually sang. Also, I got a bag full of unwanted goodies (i.e. junk food dumped on me!) plus Jdrama and Arashi vids so graciously written on cd for me.

* I started watching Nino's drama, Freeter, Ie wo Kau! -- which is awesome, seriously. It's about the struggles of a university graduate in the working world, and therefore very relatable. I keep thinking how the only dramas that leave a lasting positive impression on me anymore are Japanese dramas -- because they feel more real and less of a fantastical, fictional nature, and seem to address pertinent moral issues. At the end of 10 episodes, I normally feel all motivated and moved and eager to embrace life.

* Recently had a mini gathering of girls to say farewell to Farhana who's gone to study in Syria -- I feel like the people I know are going all over the place to chase their dreams; that or they're getting married :s. Anyway, we all had a nice chat about why Syria and what to do in the future with regards to children's education, haha. This reminds me of another mini halaqah we had long ago after APEX: we were talking about how wonderful mothers are and raising children, and Shidah, I think, was like Why are we talking like we're all pregnant or stg! XD

Also, Shaykh Hamza quotes kept cropping up in the discussion thanks to the fangirls present.

Shaykh Hamza did say that celebrating maulud is bid'ah, you know.
Yes, because we should actually be celebrating it every day, right. :)
I also think Mother's Day is bid'ah!
Haha! Because we should be thankful for our mothers every day too, huh. 

* Recently reread this article about Friendship in the Facebook Age.

I saw that a few dozen people “Liked” the announcement and I clicked the thumbs-up icon, but immediately I felt a little ill, like I’d just cheapened the memory of our friendship somehow. I thought about adding a small note—”Congratulations” or “So excited to hear the news!!”—but that seemed off, too.

I totally experienced this recently. Facebook really creates unprecedented social situations most of us have no idea how to deal with. Recently, I saw on fb that someone who I'd worked with and befriended in the summer of 2008, got married; and I wanted to congratulate her but just doing it on fb -- it feels wrong in some way, you know? So I didn't. But then, I was so glad when I received an invitation to the walimah (i.e. wedding dinner) from a friend of that friend -- and I'm thinking how I can congratulate her in person, and shake her hand or stg, and make her see how truly happy I am for her. It's a relief to be able to do that.

I think this is related to the reasons I don't put up my birthday on facebook. There are just so many implications and complications to facebook interactions and it's not like I don't appreciate it when someone wishes me a happy birthday; the problem lies in the fact that I cannot possibly understand why you did. I don't know whether to think you want to be my friend, or rather more of a friend; or whether you're acknowledging my existence or whether there is an ulterior motive or on which rung of friendship you belong. It's complicating the social situation. I would rather simply be wished by people who I know are truly my friends, facebook or not. Similarly, when I wish someone, I want to really mean it. Ideally, people should only do what they mean, ne.

I think a lot of the times, people don't think about why they do things, and it bothers me. And it especially bothers me when I don't understand why I'm doing something. Which is why, I suppose, more often than not, I am a passive person and mull over things in order to understand. But maybe, you know, I have to accept that not everything can be understood, hm.

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