Thursday, September 02, 2010

Tonight, I realise I miss my friends! And that, as we grow older, we may all take at least slightly different paths, and we may grow a bit distant, or maybe, never see each other again. But, I'm thinking, this doesn't necessary lessen the value of a friendship; because that person has already left his or her mark on you; you're a different person for having met this friend, for having shared laughs or tears or fights. And therefore, they'll always be a part of you. And when you meet up with said person, you're only rediscovering a layer of yourself, of the many myriad layers that make up who you are. I think this is why, when you see an old friend, it's far too easy to return to how it was -- because, see, they're already a part of you, these special people in your life.

tonight is malam ganjil -- the 23rd of Ramadhan. must take the opportunity.

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