Sunday, August 08, 2010

Warning: this post contains some raving about HP fandom.

I just finished rereading Draco Dormiens - yes, that piece of fanfiction from The Draco Trilogy (abbreviated as DT), and god, I still love it. I still do. To pieces. No matter that I know the author filches stuff from other people to make her own story better; some people say that since it's fanfiction, it's okay anyway. No matter that I can read it in a more detached manner such that I can see certain incongruities in her style. No matter that certain parts of it are obviously at loggerheads with canon. It's like, Draco and Harry and all of the characters are so ingrained in my brain as their own lovable selves, separate from the reality of fandom and canon, such that rereading is only a matter of recalling them to me. Whatever horrible things that Cassie actually did or didn't do, or how much ugly fan behaviour ensued because of the controversy it sparked, has no bearing on the characters in my mind. They are blameless and pure to me, haha. And I still love them. I still love the unbelievably natural and plausible way Draco and Harry seemed to befriend each other, and the tangled, complicated friendships, relationships and histories. And the amazingly funny scenes; no other fanfic can make me laugh like DT can. And nobody can agonize me like DT!Hermione can. Whatever wrong Cassie might have done, I think, credit has to be given for her success (however it might have been done) in creating characters that can stand as their own, separate even from their canon selves.

Also, I recognise the fact that because DT happened in my late teen years, it left an indelible mark on me, and this is why they will always be lovable to me. Even though I love Richard/Lymond or Sam/Dean or Kyuu/Ryuu or Kirk/Spock and recognise that Draco/Harry fall into the same category of appeal, nothing will compare to Harry/Draco to me; Draco and Harry stand apart. Because they were first. And I suppose this is why people always say first loves are forever. Maybe love really is about who got to you first. And I didn't mean for this to become my philosophizing about the nature of love so I shall stop.

So, yes, Draco/Harry shall always have a special place. And the trilogy, of course. And I will go on to Draco Sinister now. And the reason I started reading anyway is cause my sister has bounded both Draco Dormiens and Draco Sinister in hard copy; there is this guilty, awesome feeling when one gets to hold the trilogy in one's hands, haha. My sister has bugged me to go get Draco Veritas bounded too.


And I found this; it's not bad. :P

I like the quote on this one; something heartbreaking from Draco Veritas
Why do I find sad things beautiful?

Also, I found this: boozah beat! ahahaha. Cute or what. And uh oh, I forgot where I took this from but it's so cuute! :S

Yamapi in Buzzer Beat!


I have no energy to be truly expressive these days. So there.

And because I think I won't be coming here tomorrow: Happy 45th Birthday, Singapore! You and I are getting old.

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