Friday, August 27, 2010

I've finally gotten hooked onto Maher Zain, a little later than most people, and this one's my favourite! I have to refrain myself from letting the same six songs play on repeat every morning while on the bus.


I have this horrible habit of dog-earing my books because there are wonderful stuff I want to store here or somewhere else, but I somehow never get around to doing it. So my books sit with the pages all folded and I have pieces of paper littered in various places, with long lost anecdotes. So anyway, here's one I've been meaning to post for weeks now -- I was relieving a Secondary 1 class back at Irsyad, and I was flipping through a newspaper stashed in the teacher's drawer, and read one of the NUS commencement speeches, in which was quoted:

I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was duty.
I acted, and beheld that duty was joy.

~ Rabindranath Tagore

:) This fills me with a warm glow, because I think (and hope) I might be realising this too.

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