Saturday, May 08, 2010

Warning: JE update -- plot thickens!

According to Tokyo Sports via uwasako, Jin is really going to leave Kattun, since he managed to secure a significant role in a Pirates of the Carribean movie (somehow, I seriously doubt this) and is going to be all famous in the US and the rest of the world. -.- Or so he thinks.

I can't even express how irritated I am with Jin right now. He's irritated me from day one, and now, he's more annoying than ever. And if you were to ask me which JE boy I hate, it'd definitely be Jin before anyone else -- because seriously, could anyone else appear more self-centred??? How Yamapi is best friends with this idiot is simply beyond me. It has led to many a conversation about boys and their strange ideas of friendship. I really don't know how Kattun stands him. I imagine Kame barely able to control his temper or something, and I can also totally imagine what kind of scenario led to the breakdown of their once-best-buds relationship. I seriously, seriously, abhor people like Jin.

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