Friday, March 19, 2010

There is apparently a narration that relates: God endowed wisdom onto humanity in three forms: the brains of the Greeks, the hands of the Chinese, and the tongues of the Arabs.

If so, then no wonder the amazing intellects like Aristotle and Plato and Archimedes. And Socrates. I always wondered if some of these people were divinely inspired or something, because they seem so inhumanely wise and clever, heh.

Also, you are what you eat, they say. Nabi s.a.w. said the same thing; he mentioned that the people who ate camels tended to be more arrogant. That's why we should eat lambs; the meekness and gentleness of lambs are good qualities to acquire? And Islam prohibits the eating of carnivorous animals; you don't want that reckless aggressiveness, apparently. And bah -- what are we eating these days? Chemicals and artificial stuff in our food; only enhancing our fake and plastic natures in this increasingly superficial world? :P

The Qura'an is ahsanul kasas; the best of narrations:

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