Sunday, March 07, 2010

I don't know why I was so emo earlier today. I wish sometimes I could do away with emo moments. But they're there. Eheh, what to do; I suppose it comes with being human. Went for liqa', had a good time although the poor NUSMS peeps who were coincidentally using the same room had to vacate for our sake.

Also, Turk and I settled the first thing for our grad trip -- the tour to Orkney and the Outer Hebrides in Scotland. yayyy. I can't believe it's happening. I don't think it has sunk in properly yet. But I suppose I will be ecstatic when most of my work gets done in April, and I'll be super duper excited. :DDD

My favourite thing from liqa' tonight (and it's hard to choose a favourite cause I liked a lot of the stories shared): Nabi s.a.w. says that if a Muslim wakes up in the morning and all of his thoughts are of dunia (i.e. this world and of worldly pursuits), then the dunia will move further away from him. But if he wakes up in the morning and his thoughts are of akhirah (i.e. the hereafter), then the dunia will come to him without his asking, and he would care less for it.

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