Sunday, December 06, 2009

CRAP. I finally started watching Supernatural Season 4 with my sister tonight (and it has been awesome) and then I went online because I was just kind of curious about the fandom situation these days, having never ventured there in more than a year, but then! I discovered a major spoiler. ACK. -.-

There are times I wish I could tie myself up with a rope so I don't do detrimental things to myself.

Lately, my favourite do'a has been one where I plead to God, Please protect me from my own weaknesses. Amin. And craziness. And destructiveness.

I am randomly remembering a moment in Year 1, when I went for the Muslim Society Tea (quite randomly because nothing came of it) and the members were introducing themselves, and someone said that his greatest fear was himself. Someone joked, "Oh, you look into the mirror and scream ah?" But I agreed wholeheartedly then, and I agree now.

I am going to be productive next week! Productive!

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