Saturday, November 07, 2009

I love and trust in you, Rasulullah.


I get irrationally happy when I understand the computer-related ones. Haha.

from xkcd.


I'd like to have liqa' every day; or at least more often. I do. There'd be nothing better than to look forward to sitting down with everyone at the end of a hard and tiring day, knowing that hey, this is what makes life worth it.

The sayyidat liqa' today was nice. I feel us getting closer. And it does make me forget about the transient worries of life. And Kak Haseenah said something that made me tear up; it was the same reason I was swiping tears on the way to school the other day. The thought that we managed to be here. Sad that it wasn't sooner, but overwhelmingly grateful that we've been gifted with the opportunity. I don't know how we could have lived without this before.

Indeed those who pledge to you are those who pledge to Allah, the hand of Allah is above their hands.
~ Surah Al-Fath

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