Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The new HP6 movie trailer! :D There's Harry/Draco action, pretty special effects and it all looks potentially awesome.

There was a time when things like this was enough.

I am plagued by stupid big questions. I think there are some people like me who keep getting obsessed about understanding the big picture, that they forget to care about the little details. And because of that... it feels like I've missed out on a lot.

Oh life, tell me what I'm missing out on.

In my muddle of a brain, I keep picturing my life like a bounded lawn, and I keep peeking over to look at other people's lawns. "Oh, that person's grass looks greener!" And I don't think it's jealousy per se. I mean, I'm not about to climb over the fences that separate us and take over someone else's lawn. It's more like... confusion. Have I tended my lawn enough? What am I doing wrong? I love my lawn, but I keep wondering... if something's wrong.

Oh, the pressures of conformity! Don't you think that without it, we'd be more free to love with all our hearts?

You know, somebody should just stop me from blogging. -.- I don't make sense half the time, and the other half, I'm just spazzing. Randomness should be my middle name.

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