Saturday, September 08, 2007

Okay. It's time I blogged. Cause I've been meaning to. But something else always comes first.

This has to be recounted. Because I had such a visceral reaction and I want it to be remembered, and I want people to know. I was having a typical 6-hour-long biochemistry lab session. And some of my lab peers love to converse in Chinese. Which is fine with me, because I have accepted that it is too much of a natural instinct for them when they're together.

But when fellow Indian dude misconstrues Singapore as a result, I SNAP:

Two Chinese dudes walk past blabbering in Chinese to each other, and they seemed harried.

Indian: Eh, what did they say?
Me: Eh. How should I know?
Indian: You've been living in this country forever deh...

I think at this point, my face completely froze over.

Me: Singapore is not a Chinese country, okay. We have a Malay national anthem.

I couldn't control myself. I even jeling ah! Ohmygoodness. And it's so totally not his fault. He was just ignorant. But shock and anger totally monopolised my speech. And then I stalked off to the sink to wash something, before I could say anything else. He looked completely taken aback by my response.

Clearly, this is an uncontrollably sore topic for me. The incredible injustice of it all.

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