Saturday, September 15, 2007

Am finally clearing my hotmail inbox. The amount of undeleted mail is incredible. Then I discovered why I saved certain emails - cause they're sweet and I can be sentimental. But I've decided to be brutal and delete them anyway. So here's some stuff that I've decided to salvage... This one's from my sis while I was in the US.

I am chatting with you, yet you are not chatting. Think umi like really misses you and abang. It's quite funny. She stones in the little spaces of time she has. Then she'll say: "Kakak tengah tidur, kakak tengah kat campus sekarang." and so on. Just informing you that you're being missed.

And this one's from Eunice when we were discussing US holiday:

I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING. You're thinking, "Eeeks! How can I get to SF from Stanford on my own!! My parents will freak out! I will freak out!!!" (Or something along those lines. :D) DON'T PANIC.

Haha. Ended up taking the train with Christine anyway.

Iftar at our house tonight! :)

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