Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I feel like I'm splitting my skull. Critical thinking is an ass. And truly, that's what freaking term papers require of you. They require you to plumb the depths of the mind and come out with some amazing epiphany you can shape into a thesis. It is exhausting in the extreme. I mean, one can sit down in one position for two hours straight contemplating one chain of causality in the quest of finding ultimate root of a world problem. Or something like that.

I've gone beyond wanting to scratch my cheeks to ribbons (I suppose that's a different kind of frustration). My morbidity has brought me to envisioning encasing my eyeballs in a special wooden case. So that, for a little while, I can escape my thoughts and go to sleep. I can't seem to rest.

When you think about it: aaah... the comforts of science. Nice, logical equations.

Watched Notes On A Scandal last night. It has frightened me into wanting marriage, no matter the partner. AHAH. No, I'm kidding lah. I couldn't do that, I think. Briefly, Judi Dench acts as psycho spinster and Cate Blanchett acts as unknowing victim. Spinster clings to fellow colleague like a leech, and it evokes both pity and utter horror. The story explores the dangerous depths of loneliness and lack of human touch. From now on, I shall attmept to hug others more and adopt a kid if I don't manage to have my own some day.

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