Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Everything's so hectic. My favourite time of any day now lies during the wee hours of the morning - past midnight when I've signed off msn and when I've made myself quit worrying about one thing or another. And I can relax and read and escape.

Earlier, I was washing this mug I had used. The mug was from someone's wedding and had all these words of promise and forever-ness inscribed within a heart. And then a moment later, I realised that the couple was no longer together. I zonked out for a bit in surprise. How horrible is it to realise a mug outlasts a marriage? I suppose, if one were to think about it, there must be a million of such items from a million failed relationships. But to hold it in my hand like that - so sad lah. People make so many empty promises of forever, eh?

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