Thursday, July 26, 2007

Possible modules for USP this coming sem:

- Cyberart: sounds uber fun cause it has video and photography and generally stuff that I love. But sounds extremely time-consuming. Two major projects or something.

- Negotiating Moral Issues: ethics of biotech. Very relevant. Okay, I guess.

- Southeast Asian Studies: Making of a Region - doesn't sound too bad. It doesn't look like social studies.

- Quantum Computing and Information - freakily interesting because it has the whole crazy quantum world involved! you know, electrons disappearing and tiny particles that defy classical physics! but I only have one science module left to do. And if I do this I can't do Time, Space and Matter next time. Time, Space and Matter is even more fascinating cause it's the whole Einstein space theory about the infinitely expanding universe and time stuff I can't understand. Haha.

Waaah. I don't know. My course schedules are still in a mess. I think I need to see my advisor ASAP to help me sort out my uni life. Because at the rate I'm going... I'm pretty screwed. No space for first-tier modules... much less for advanced ones!

My multiculturalism essay still not materialising! :s

I came up with a strategy while praying today. Everytime I feel an anxiety attack coming, I shall pause, blank my mind and count to ten. Then I tell myself, whatever it is and no matter how bad the situation, Allah and Rasul will help me. (Amin.) One must always keep perspective in order to stay sane. Besides, Bertrand Russell (I think) also said that the sign of a nervous breakdown is when one starts taking one's work far too seriously. So CHILL, I tell myself.

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