Sunday, July 01, 2007

I've been reading some stuff about hijab and this one by a Muslim convert is funny!

Hijab takes a variety of forms in different Muslim societies and can be adapted to stylishly match modest though elegant western clothing for ladies. Within the parameters of Islamic modesty, a Muslim women is allowed to dress nicely. For the female western convert, it is not necessary to "go native" or resort to drab, dowdy, lesbian-looking cardigans! I agree with Yahiya Emerick who is on record as saying that Muslim women should wear "fashionable hijab", not "circus tents". Or for that matter be mistaken for the wife of Darth Vader.

Darth Vader! HAHAHA. I hope I don't look like one. But I have a problem with being fashionable, full stop. Sigh, what to do.

And also apparently, I didn't know this before, a convert doesn't really have to change his name, unless it has some 'pagan associations' or the like. Interesting.

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