Programming is slowly but surely sinking into the same league as chemistry; the league of subjects that are out to kill me. Possibly, it could sink lower than even that. Seriously, anyone wanting to drive himself to suicidal behaviour can simply take up a module that begins with CS. Those applied math people I met last sem were right. They warned me about computing. "You're taking computational science?!", they exclaimed. And I was like all shocked and @_@ and why? And they said they were ready to jump out the windows anytime doing computing. And I understand now.
This is just so typical of me. Putting myself in positions that are most detrimental to my mental state. I know I get paranoid easily, and still I do this. Why can't I just let myself do the things I like?
"There's no education superior to travel. Think of The Motorcycle Diaries, or what Montrose St. Millet wrote in Ages of Exploration: 'To be still is to be stupid. To be stupid is to die.'" ~ Special Topics in Calamity Physics
See? Why can't I just travel all my life? That's still learning what.
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