Tuesday, April 17, 2007

muaha. I signed a Support Jo Harvelle petition, so they won't throw her out of the show. It might work. I love the way these american fans are so proactive. Yes, it might be passion better channeled elsewhere, but it's still passion nonetheless. Unlike, sadly, in dear old sunny singapore. Where we don't even have a show that's worth saving on tv right now.

I tell you what's wrong. Take the show "After Hours" on channel 5, starring Utt and what's-her-name and the MTV VJ, Max, and Joanne Pei.

1) There are three foreigners out of 4 of the lead roles. Yes, Utt and Max are cute, but are they Singaporean? NO. Who exactly is your target audience? Singaporeans? Then I suggest you cast Singaporeans. When I watch the show, I feel so disconnected. I know of no Singaporean, on campus or otherwise, who speak like those two guys do. (although there is paul in writing class, but otherwise.) There is just something so wrong about the way they behave! It's not Singaporean.

2) Plot. Plot. Plot. Where is the plot, people? Are we going somewhere with this? Haven't we done the love thing over and over? You know what makes good stories? STORYLINES. Seriously, maybe I should sign up as a scriptwriter at mediacorp.

3) Can we throw out the love scenes, please? They are beyond bad. It's okay that we are Asian and we're conservative; it's OKAY. Accept our lifestyle. You don't see couples kissing on the street in Singapore, and it's okay. We can do without them. We can still make good stories. Please don't try to Hollywood-ize yourself. There's nothing as mortally embarassing as pretending to be something you're not and failing miserably at it.

4) Is this honestly how 20-stg Singaporeans behave today? I know nothing, I suppose, because all I do is go for lectures and surf the net. Maybe I should check with my cousin who's working. But I have a feeling Singaporeans don't behave the way the characters do. Bottomline: it feels so fake. I can't really pinpoint the source, but it does make the show feel fake.

Look, what has worked for local tv so far? PCK. Under One Roof. Growing Up. What's the formula? Might be a number of things. But I think most importantly, it's not fake. Singaporeans can identify with the characters. Siiigh.

Right now, the best thing on channel 5 is Adrian Pang. Haha. I have to add that Suria is having the lowest of the low times. When was out last good show? Anak Metropolitan was it??? Or was it Cinta Bollywood (but season 2 sucked tremendously)? So long ago. Our local tv network needs serious help.

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