Thursday, March 29, 2007

Who was Aristotle? I really want to meet this superbly brilliant person. I'm starting to think he's too smart to be real. How can such intelligent people exist? Wouldn't their brain be too heavy or something? He has famous and incredibly poignant anecdotes littered through various fields of thought. Amazing.

It is at moments like this that I can safely conclude within the deep nooks of my heart, regardless of compelling evidence, that we didn't evolve from monkeys. You ask a monkey to contemplate anything beyond a banana, and he becomes confused. And then you want to compare the Greek Genius Aristotle, who says things like Man is a political animal and We are what we repeatedly do, to aforementioned monkey??? Give him some respect, I say.

Not that I'm saying monkeys are dirt beneath our feet and should be stepped on, NO! We must love animals. I'm just saying we can't be monkeys, okay. Or apes, if you want to get nit-picky about it. You think I'm stubborn and so caught up with my own creationist ideas? Whatever. I just can't see Aristotle (or Newton or Einstein or Faraday or Lincoln or Hobbes or Bohr or Schrodinger) as a monkey.

Oh my god. I just had a vision of someone giving a counter argument to this with Bush. Yes, Bush easily resembles a monkey. Damn. A point to the opposition. Muaha. (Bush is dumb though. Hm. Are we approaching a theory here - the smarter, the less monkeyish?)

Anyway, what sparked this was my stumbling upon another Aristotle quote: "The greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor". And I think that is true on so many levels, I can't even begin to relate to you how much I was jumping inside in agreement when I read it. It was so totally what we discussed in writing class - that we all think in metaphors. You try going around in a day without using any form of metaphor in your speech, and you'll find yourself going practically wordless. Our thoughts are metaphorical, yo. It just goes to show how much of imaginative beings we humans are. :)

And tomorrow, we are going to get our paper 2 back. And Anu has made me think I will do well in it (by the method of elimination. the A+ apparently wasn't from the other class, and so it's from the remaining five of us. I have a 20% chance of getting that grade.), and now she has got me irrationally hopeful. The problem with getting good grades is the consequent head-swelling. It is most terrible. I shall concentrate then on my failing marks in C prog.

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