Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My eyes are begging me to shut them. But I am refusing to concede to their pleas. I can't afford to! I tell you, I will fall seriously sick one day, the way I treat my body. I should learn to take care of myself. I should SLEEP. SLEEP IS IMPORTANT.

Okay, feel a very strange urge to rip some paper up right now.

I have to write the last paper for UWC, and it's sort of an independent research thing. And I'm doing on blogs. It's interesting and all, but I am stuck. I don't know what to focus my paper on. Not to mention that I have other things to do and I cannot afford to invest hours just on this. This is when I wish I were Wonderwoman. Or something equally amazing.

God, you have no idea how much my eyes feel like LEAD. You know, I love it when I suddenly experience a metaphor or a simile. Know what I mean? It's when something happens that makes you finally understand a literary expression. Like the time when I was on a mountain and it was freezing cold and the wind was seriously seriously like a knife on my cheek. It's cool. I want to experience things. So - now my eyes feel like lead. I have also experienced a throat-went-dry. I also experienced a the-rest-of-the-world-faded-into-the-background moment. It was literal you know.

Anwyay, I should go back to work. I shall survive. I might emerge from this semester wounded beyond belief, but I shall survive. Because, damn it all, I am strong. Like Mrs Choo said to me waaaay back when I was 12 and I barely comprehended what she truly meant: Anyone can sail smooth seas, but it is the victor over the storm that gains true honour.

Also, Happy Maulidur Rasul. We're off to celebrate tonight. :) My dad wants to put up coloured lights on the windows. My dad wants to be revolutionary. He amuses me.

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