Sunday, February 04, 2007

ohmygosh. I do talk about tv too much in here. whatever.

Am watching supernatural and dean and sam are arguing over the existence of angels. Sam says they exist because there's over a tonne of lore on angels alone, more than anything else! And Dean replies, "Oh you know what? There's a ton of lore on unicorns too. I hear that they ride on silver moonbeams and they shoot rainbows out of their ass." The Dean I adore. Cracks me up.

Went out with the ex-math-sy people today! We ate at Sakura and walked a lot and sat at coffee bean to talk. And I met hudy and marli's sec school friend. And I realise the world is waaay too small.

And then went to Abang Yan's to meet family. And when we were in the car on the way out at midnight, there was this makcik by the side of the carpark who peered into our car and I got completely freaked out. She wore a tudung but she was dressed in black and what the hell was she doing out alone at midnight? She was scarily weird! She had this grim expression on and I was insanely wondering if she was a nenek kebayan. She peered in, but my dad drove on, and then she started to walk towards us to try to peer in again, and I was like begging my dad to hurry and go. Freeeeaaakky.

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