Sunday, December 24, 2006

I should have said something a long time ago. But was lazy. Yes, am back from Surabaya. And have been going crazy over Prison Break. Gosh gosh gosh. I managed to persuade my dad to get us the entire season 1 and we finished it and now I'm dying to get season 2.

So me and sis indulge in stupid music videos on youtube and interviews. But the problem is - gah - they never censor spoilers. We were watching Wentworth on a talk show, I think, and then they suddenly showed a clip from season 2 about someone betraying someone else. I mean, like, COME ON. Give me a warning please! I literally leaped away from the screen, screaming, covering my ears and squeezing my eyes shut. But it's too late, damn it. I can't erase what I know now. I neeeeed Season 2!

Anyway. to speak of Surabaya: It was fun, of course; when has a holiday never been. I think it takes little to satisfy me, anyway. I think a big part of it were the haunted houses at the theme parks. They were scaaaarrry. There was one where a big statued person came leaping at us and my sister fell back onto me in the carriage, screaming her head off. And there was also the part where we had to walk and we stopped next to a wooden coffin, and then it started vibrating. And we screamed. Then it opened. We screamed. And then a plastic corpse jumped out. My sister and me screamed and fell on our butts in shock. Hilarious now, to think of it. There was also a pocong that was put above our heads and we're all staring at it fearfully. Then, as we pass directly under it, it falls like five inches lower, almost to our heads, making me scream like never before while trying to squash myself into the foot space of the carriage.

Oh my god, so funny.

Then there was the animal safari where a rhino tried to chase us. really! We were in a van. Then there were the pretty zebras which were too much to resist, so my dad climbed out of the vehicle, attempting to touch the zebras. But we got spotted by an officer, who got angry. And then we understood why. A rhino started following us! At one point it was really running after us and we were all screaming! But I think the officer was around and made sure the rhino didn't really sondol us or anything.

Okay, there seems to be a problem with photo uploading now. So next time I'll put photos, maybe. Or not. I have an urge to go on an indefinite blogging hiatus. Ta.

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