Monday, August 28, 2006

Been quite some time. 'Tis reminiscent of my old disease. That gives me comfort; I crave old times. The 'how-we-used-to-be-like's, as pigey calls it.

To summarise my life right now, I would say that I feel lost. I feel like am being buoyed around and have lost all my roots. In the sense that nothing feels the same anymore; nothing. Every shred of normalcy has - okay maybe not every, but a lot - has fled. Schedule has gone topsy turvy, what with going to campus sometimes in the afternoon and coming home near ten, and praying practically all five times in school. And being nowhere near my old friends and familiar faces. It is very nice to meet new, nice people but sometimes it gets tiring and depressing. Sometimes. Because acquaintances and good friends are miles apart in essence.

Which is why even going home with Eunice is a comfort too, because it feels... for lack of better word: normal.

Every day is so energy-sapping that I always have no brain power left to express myself here or anywhere else.

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