Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A day should definitely be longer than 24 hours. There's so much to do, so little time. Teaching takes up the entire morning and the early afternoon. Then I will only reach home close to 3 pm. I sit down, have lunch and flip through the tv channels. If there's something good on (which there rarely is) or there's a cd I crave watcing, I'll park myself in front of the screen till about 5.30 pm, give or take. This, that, toilet time, prayer time... I switch on my comp at about 6 pm. I video edit, which takes AGES, and read mail, update blog, or check for DT update etc simultaneously. Prayer time again, then after that, about 5 minutes break before dinner. Dinner at 8 pm: it's all setting food, eating food and then clean up remains of food. And I will finish everything at about 9 pm. After that, the good tv shows come on. Desperate Housewives and Dia on Monday, OC and Sembilu on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights, am a bit freer, then will start to read a bit. Am simultaneously reading Virgin Earth, The Intelligencer and Boundaries of the Soul. Also have Basic Theory Test to study for, and Arabic to revise. I normally fail to do what I want. Should probably cut down on tv. Gah.

Today: screamed at both my math classes. Finally had some effect on them.


From Allan Massie:

... the author who does not pause to gather wayside flowers or, more appropriately in this context, to reflect on his narrative, is like man who hurries through a city in search of experience and never pauses to gather it...

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