Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Having sporadic nervous breakdowns. I'll not know how to do a math question and then whine about it endlessly, and go into minor depression (on top of an already, seemingly, perpetual morose state).

On a lighter note, finished reading DV 16. (Might have spoilers, beware. Just in case you read it.) I must say that I expected more powwow from it. Okay, I'm happy that a happy ending is in prospect, but it didn't have the emotional impact that I always hope to get from good stories. I think Cassie's talent lies more in her development of character (which is so fantastic that numerous people love her Draco despite how disgusting a character he is in canon) but not in her plot endings. Her wrap-ups do not live up to her standard. I think, even in DS, the ending was pretty abrupt, and like all 'Huh, that's it? Okay...' But overall, the story's still pretty good, and extremely exciting. And Draco said a line that made me squeal and chuckle at the same time. The part where Ginny asked why he kissed her when she was sleeping, and he replied: 'I was confusing the issue.' Hah! That, I say, is so Cassie's Draco.

Back to reality, I still have loads to memorise. And now that I've seen how the bio paper looks like, I am, simply put, terrified. I really wish Hari Raya was after all this crap, so I can enjoy myself tomorrow.

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