Monday, July 11, 2005

Felt like I was stuck in some drama or soap opera. My jaw hit the ground, almost literally, hearing that such things do exist. Mind-boggling.

Anyway, disappointed with all my grades. And annoyed with school as usual.

From the book am reading now, The Fallen by Dale Bailey:

"Anyway, given the choice between belief and non-belief, Pascal said the wise man wagers that God exists. If he wins, he wins eternal life. If he loses, he's lost nothing but two or three hours on Sunday mornings."

"Kind of underestimates God, doesn't it?"

"How so?"

"God can't tell the difference between mock faith and the real deal?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Dad used to say faith and doubt were facing sides of the same coin. You can't have faith unless you have doubt."

"What do you mean?"

"Faith is trust in something you can't see, something you can't know for sure. If you know, then you don't have faith, you have knowledge."

Hey, I think it's both knowledge and trust. Thinking logically, you have to conclude that God has to exist. It's the logical explanation, as opposed to everything being a mass of molecules spontaneously reacting, and the big bang occuring of its own accord.

And we humans think we're so smart...

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