Monday, May 16, 2005

Less than 3 weeks to drama. Freaking out.

There are not many halfway decent pictures of shamrocks out there... Hm. Apparently, there's some wrestler or some guy called Shamrock?! Ugh.

Feeling very tired these days. And tomorrow is nightmare day: GP Essay and Chem SPA, albeit the very last one ever.

Shall go study. I have to study. Must get that into my head.

After drama, I'll be free to just study.

Why is this entry becoming an accumulation of chopped up sentences. I have lost the ability to write. Blah.

You know how you think life is hard, and sometimes you think you get, really, the worst deal... Celebrate the fact that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

By the way, I received my GP Essay that I wrote on moderation. The question was: "The secret of a happy life is moderation in all things." Discuss.

I was pretty disappointed. Barely touched 30 marks. Got 29.5 upon 50. But I disagree with Ms Lo! DISAGREE!!! I think what I wrote made sense! I think that people can still be happy following their passion because there's no such thing as not having the aptitude for a passionate pursuit! And naturally, you would be good at what you like! I mean, if you love football, wouldn't you exert all your energy and time in it that you'd be good at it? And if you're good at writing, it's because you like it, isn't it? And she still questioned about the aptitude thing even though I gave the Mary Shelley quote from Nikki's Frankenstein book: A mind of moderate capacity which closely pursued one study must infallibly arrive at great proficiency in that study.

Basically, my argument for the topic is that we should have moderation for some things in life, like food and wealth and spending money - to protect our well-being and health. But you shouldn't restrict yourself in the things you love to do, for the sake of moderation. How then will you ever become outstanding? I mean, Edison, for instance wasn't moderate in his research, was he? He made over a 1000 failed light bulbs before succeeding. If he'd decided to be moderate, he would have stopped at a 100 and decided to go do something else. And where would we be now? Using candles still?

Be moderate in all things and be a Jack of all trades but master of none.

I mean! Am trying to make a point here! Moderation restricts human potential. I really don't like moderation. In my perception, moderation quells passion. And I believe that life is all about passion. Be it for knowledge, love, or truth. And to have no passion, would be like existing, instead of living. And doesn't happiness come with having lived a life worth living, and not merely sustained an existence for a short lifespan of maybe 70 years?

Let's try to see it in a different way: If you're always moderate, and you take things in moderation, in a sense, you're protecting yourself from extreme disappointment or sadness. You're always at that safe emotional level. But doesn't life then become... somewhat stagnant? You don't drop low but neither do you reach the highs! And haven't you heard that to experience happiness and pleasure, you must know how pain feels first? How can one experience happiness if one is constantly at that same safe emotional level??? It seems it is reasonable to conclude that the prerequisite of happiness is its opposite: depression. So that just rips the whole moderation thing apart. BAH. I should have written that.

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