Tuesday, January 27, 2004

There is nothing more boring than physics. Ok.. maybe there is, but physics lecture is, by far, the dullest session in school. I've resorted to doodling in my notebook so as not to drop off to sleep. Today, while the lecturer droned on in the most monotonous voice I have ever encountered, I started playing the alphabet game on my own. You know, list out, starting from A, names of characters from HP. This time, I included Lymond in it... and it was more fun. I know HP too well... it gets boring.

The last period of the day was PE. Before it started, it was raining heavily. And we were quite positive that the rain was going to last through the whole of the PE lesson. But, noooooo... the skies are part of some conspiracy to make us run. So we had to. 3 rounds. And after that, some butt lifting exercises (don't make me explain in detail) plus sit ups. And I actually felt sick after all of it. I had to sit down before I started retching. I don't know... it was like all the energy was drained out of me. Like I hadn't eaten anything at all when in fact, I ate a plate of mee goreng for lunch. The feeling is the kind I get when I fast but still haven't broken it despite the fact that it's way past dusk. Sigh. Ms Poon said that I probably am not fit enough. Hm. Probably. Stomach muscles are aching from LAST WEEK'S sit ups. What a horror.

Hah. And today, when I got home, I decided to weigh myself because I ate a cheeseburger after PE and felt guilty. I got onto the weighing scale and my eyes almost popped out. I'm positive. The needle inidcated that I was 3 kg heavier. Went into panic for a while. I can't be growing that fat THAT fast! Then after a while, I realised I was still carrying my school bag!!! Heh heh. Had a good laugh at my own silliness and weighed myself again. Phew.

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