Wednesday, November 13, 2002

I am in the school's shaw lab now. Printing this catalogues for some photo thingy. wateva. Yes... tomorrow is the day I've been waiting for for about a year already. sigh.

Anyway, still no news of DV 11. It seems cassie went to the NY premiere. goodie. wish i was there and I don't care if daniel's shirt was hideous (fine I admit it OK?). He can dress in rags for all I care. I'll be happy as long as I'm there.

hmm... dunno wad to say. Ok, I shall say that I've watched 'A Knights' Tale'. It was FUNNNY! Contrary to what I had expected. The crowds watching the joust (the game on the horse) were cheering to Five's 'We Will Rock You'. Can u believe that? Since when did people of the middle age know about rock and roll? My bro and me burts into incontrollable laughter whenwe saw it. Really. Other than the modern twist... it was quite a predictable plot. I think Heath Ledger fits those kind of 'old' roles u know... like 'The Patriot' or 'Four Feathers'.

sigh. shall go surf for more stuff now. may post again later.

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