Tuesday, January 21, 2014

This year is starting out difficult.

But that gives me hope, because difficult starts are normally followed by smoother, happier slopes, insya Allah.

Anyway, happy Rabiul Anwar! it still is this wonderful month (I have recently scarily splurged on a white baju for Maulid celebrations -- a story I should not actually share because I feel guilty as frak); and I have a related video to share below. 

I like the analogy he shared at the end -- that curses and insults on an honourable character being like attempted spits at the moon. Everyone should aspire to this -- don't let bad words faze you because your true worth should be untouchable, just like how our beloved Prophet s.a.w. exemplified. Except of course, the Prophet s.a.w. is truly untouchable and exalted above all others.

It really is appalling how people can not know this amazing human being, and how much they are deprived when they insist on remaining ignorant and blind.

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