Saturday, January 18, 2014

happy night!

Exhausted like frak (my eyes feel super heavy -- omg, crazy sleep debt), my weekend schedule is already packed (with 1 million+ errands) -- but I feel happy. Inexplicable high moments like this make me wonder if it's the quick coffee I downed when I bumped into Datin Mini at the airport... But no, I think it's the being with people I love, and being able to step back and see how blessed my situation is. Really, not everyone is able to do this -- just step back and get out of your funk. Get out of whatever meddling problem your life is centered upon at the moment (because there will always be one that takes center stage), get a good perspective, and say Alhamdulillah.


A happy pic spam!

The SLT Annual Tea Party I got roped into planning last year -- small and sweet.
And two lovely friends that dropped by:

SLT Day at Scape where STs from various institutions connect with each other and the public
-- have I said how my classmates were awesome, 
and still are some of the most awesome people I know?

Old friends
-- aren't we glad for all that crazy history we have together? makes for so much fun.
only old friends know the true extent of crazy one has.
(btw, ridiculous cutlery in the foreground of this picture!)

Arabic class (:
I never want to miss a lesson 
-- because learning a language, and a heavenly one at that, is such a joy for me.
And more of a joy when you have amazing people around.

Good to have a sister with whom randomness is always welcome.
And with whom private jokes/references are golden.

May we all strive for the kind of beauty that God loves.

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