Wednesday, August 29, 2018

oh this is so good
and I love BTS-ARMY so much.
name me a more awesome fandom at the moment

(and omg, David is wearing a Love Yourself sweatshirt; I want one!)

on other matters,
work is crazy busy now, 
and I've been trying to be more organized 
with all the happenings and errands in my life;
and discovering calendar-blocking as an organization and planning technique --
it's kinda making me freak out cause I can really see how little time there is, always.

at the same time,
still discovering and learning these interesting, life-changing stuff.
I don't know if I maybe live my life by themes, but this love yourself business
is really pervading a lot of my daily experiences.

At times, I used to wonder if loving yourself meant arrogance and pride,
but as someone mentioned in this video, that's really not it.
Arrogance has its root in dysfunctional self-esteem, really.
But recognizing one's self-worth is the basis for true generosity and kindness,
I am learning.

I'm still reading up a lot on pride, arrogance, and gratitude in Islam,
to see where the connections are in all of this...


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