Thursday, July 05, 2018

someone shared this at the big team meeting yesterday,
and I love it.

It's nothing new, really. We all know this by now.

If you're a fox, be a fox.
Don't try to be something you're not;
you're bound to fail.
(theme of the year again: self-awareness)

 Where is my wise owl. ): Where can I find my wise owl. 


 Haha, and this!


"You can't move my Fi; what, are you kidding! 

Where is a collection of INFPs that have made it, that have figured out this dilemma, that have got their Fi's and their Te's to work together? How have they reconciled their strong internal moral values and this crazy, belligerent, dumbass tribe?"

haha, totally how I feel on certain days. 
crazy, belligerent, dumbass tribe that sometimes seems 
like the reason for all my misery on earth;

I'm remembering something else someone said on a variety show:
that people are often the source of our difficulties,
but people are also the source of great comfort, and beauty, and love.

oh, humans. 💜 why you so complex.

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