Monday, July 30, 2018

As usual, I shouldn't be up, but--

I had such a great book club meeting today, and it bears mentioning, even though it's this late.

Three years ago now, when L first mentioned to me off-handedly on a facebook comment I made, whether we should start off a book club together, my instinct was to jump on the suggestion. It felt so serendipitous; I think at that point, I'd had gotten my hands on Susan Wise Bauer's The Well-Educated Mind and I was itching to embark on a serious reading journey; L piping up like that about a book club was simply the next stepping-stone, which I easily leaped onto. Quickly, I had a few friends ready to start, and we set off; haltingly initially -- stumbling over formidable classics (cough, Moby Dick, cough) -- but slowly gaining a momentum with the variety and range of books, building rich conversations, and delving into each other's lives in a way I don't think we would have had otherwise.

Fast forward to today, our little book club is still running and ongoing (with an occasional shuffling of members), with a book always in progress (currently, an American classic, I'm proud to say!). Now my fervour for books, and sharing about the love of books only grows. I'd suggested it to my usrah (religious group) and suddenly, a tiny little group of us is starting to build a passion for this reading-and-then-discussing business. I feel bubbles of excitement at this. A good feeling. My gut tumbling in positive joy. I feel like the ripples of this will spread out in a beautiful way, insya Allah.

I am learning how to trust my intuition. 💚
It leads me to good places.
When I first started out book club years ago now,
that same feeling of anticipation and tugging-of-the-gut
was there. It felt right. It felt like I had to do it.
I am only marveling at how that moment has led to this
deep sense of joy and gratitude today.

Alhamdulillah for having been led to this path.
Alhamdulillah for the friends I've had along the way.
Alhamdulillah for the love I've had for reading.
Alhamdulillah for having been able to grasp opportunities when I see it.

Please help me listen to my intuition,
and to divine guidance for all matters in my life,

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