Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Back in SG and missing Nihon and the company a whole lot 💜💜💜

I'm sitting at Burger Up at the moment, whiling some time before my next therapy session -- I should probably use this time productively -- but I can't yet; withdrawal symptoms and all. I'm still in holiday mood and cannot bring myself to trudge through work.

Instead, I'm reorganizing my photos for FB -- stupid album function that makes ordering the photos a nightmare; all the photos are messed up right now so I can't tell our story in any proper chronological manner, and that's important to me. So now, I'm painstakingly numbering the photos in my computer folder to see if it helps and I'll reupload it all later.

Stories are important! Stories give context, and meaning, and depth and attachment to pictures. Even the prettiest pictures mean less without the proper context.

For instance, this here, is one of my favourites, 
because we were chilling after lunch
along Lake Kawaguchi. 
We had all the time till our bus ride at 7+pm 
and we sat down telling ghost stories.
Time flew by until it got dark 
and we had to trek back to Kawaguchiko station.

There was friction here and there among us throughout the trip
(mainly between my stubborn brother and my equally-stubborn self)
but most of the time, we cracked each other up a lot of the time
and I had such an enjoyable getaway.

The unbelievably lame jokes from A and S every other hour;
the laughing over our cluelessness;
our Taboo and Heads-Up games while queueing for rides or at night in our ryokan;
the playing and cheering each other on at arcades,
screaming whenever one of the boys managed to win a plushy.
I felt like we were all still young kids like we were years and years ago,
traveling together.

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