Friday, January 27, 2017

pork, dogs, and plates

There's a reason for this title.

* I'd met up with Datin S and F recently for dinner -- yay mini reunion! (I love my class so much) -- and we were having an insane, long, and funny chat about speechie life and everything else under the sun/moon. Then F completely surprised me by saying how she remembers interesting things about Islam from me, that she never hears from other people. And that she remembered to the detail what I'd said about how haram pork was different from haram dog, and all of that in relation to plates, and when one needed to clean them -- HAHA which I don't recall at all. F was so earnest and cute about it, and all of that made me think about a Lymond quote of all things (oh my weird brain) -- about how our words can have an unforeseen impact on the passing stranger. That's why words are important, aren't they?

We laughed so hard about how F knew all this things I don't remember telling her (and I told her more awesome stuff about the Prophet s.a.w. that she said, yar, she never knew or heard about!).

* I am going to miss my social skills kids so much. Seriously.

I was having a blah day yesterday, then the day turned for the better when we had social skills group sessions that had my fellow therapists and I alternately burst into bouts of laughter.

ohmygooood they are so funny and cute and clueless and I love them for all their weirdness.

We had newly-Primary 1 boy A ramble on in fragmented phrases about what he did for recess, when I asked, "So do you eat at the canteen?" He went, "Yes! No. NO! Lunch box. I eat lunch box. Noodles. Noodles and panir. It's... it's indian. Indian cottage cheese!" 

And then his cute Primary 2 partner asked, having thoroughly misheard but from his tone obviously thinking this was actually legit food, "A, do you eat noodles and pony?"

At which J and I both cracked up so hard.

Ohhhh, I still want to laugh thinking about it -- and all said in their cute, earnest voices that I am sorry I cannot reenact.

* I am loving these Bangtan boys too much, and Buzzfeed is not helping at all.

*2017 you're starting out with scary but hopefully good changes, insya Allah. ☀

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