Friday, May 02, 2014

April ends and I am older now

It's been a great birthday week!


Alhamdulillah for all the blessings. 

Birthday dinner with the family, 
and really awesome and girly presents. 
(I think I have had the best presents this year!)

(LINE camera is superb with the editing --)

 I was also out my Arabic-class friends to celebrate --

And then dinner at an expensive French restaurant with my friend since forever:

The world makes it appear like a woman can only be sadder as she grows older; 
but that has not been my experience of life thus far. 
Every year it seems like I'm learning and finding new ways to be happy 
-- and that only makes sense, doesn't it? 
The longer you live in this world, 
the more you realise you have to be thankful for.

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